問題: Item ITM-xxxxxx is on hold for transactions.
解決方法: On you item, click the "default order settings, click sales order, check the whether the stopped tick is on.
問題: Item ITM-xxxxxx is on hold for transactions.
解決方法: On you item, click the "default order settings, click sales order, check the whether the stopped tick is on.
public static class MyTableEventHandler_XppPrePostArgs
const static str myFieldHasChangedArgName = 'myFieldHasChanged';
[PreHandlerFor(tableStr(MyTable), tableMethodStr(MyTable, update))]
public static void MyTable_Pre_update(XppPrePostArgs _args)
MyTable myTable = _args.getThis() as MyTable;
boolean myFieldHasChanged = myTable.MyField != myTable.orig().MyField;
<strong>_args.addArg(MyTableEventHandler_XppPrePostArgs::myFieldHasChangedArgName, myFieldHasChanged);</strong>
[PostHandlerFor(tableStr(MyTable), tableMethodStr(MyTable, update))]
public static void MyTable_Post_update(XppPrePostArgs _args)
MyTable myTable = _args.getThis() as MyTable;
<strong>boolean myFieldHasChanged = _args.getArg(MyTableEventHandler_XppPrePostArgs::myFieldHasChangedArgName);
if (myFieldHasChanged)
public void createSalesLine()
public void setFinancialDimension()
public void exportCSV(str _filename)
str name;
Array Arr = new Array (Types::String);
int i= 1, j;
Int test;
TestTable TestTable;
// Create an Str array
// Write some elements in it
while select TestTable
Arr.value(i, TestTable.TestTables);//(i, i*2);
j = i;
for (i = 1; i<j; i++)
test= Arr.value(i);
while select TestTable where TestTable.TestTables == test
info(strfmt("%1", Arr.value(i)));
Return order:
Return order is the process in which customers return items that they have purchased.
Customer might return items if it is defective or if it was received incorrectly. You need to create a return order in ax before receiving items back from the customer.
Steps to create Return order in AX 2012:
1. First step is to find invoiced sales order against which return order is getting created.
/// <summary> | |
/// Hooks on Initialized event of the <c>EcoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView</c> form data source and adjusts data source query. | |
/// </summary> | |
/// <param name = "_sender">The data source object that triggers the event.</param> | |
/// <param name = "_e">Event arguments.</param> | |
[FormDataSourceEventHandler(formDataSourceStr(EcoResProductVariants, EcoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView), FormDataSourceEventType::Initialized)] | |
public void ecoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView_ValidatingWrite(FormDataSource _sender, FormDataSourceEventArgs _e) | |
{ | |
if (isConfigurationkeyEnabled(configurationKeyNum(Retail))) | |
{ | |
_sender.queryBuildDataSource().addLink(fieldNum(EcoResProductVariantFlavor, DistinctProductVariant), fieldNum(EcoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView, DistinctProductVariant)); | |
_sender.queryBuildDataSource().addLink(fieldNum(EcoResProductVariantFlavor, Flavor), fieldNum(EcoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView, Flavor)); | |
_sender.queryBuildDataSource().addOrderByField(fieldNum(EcoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView, RetailDisplayOrder)); | |
_sender.queryBuildDataSource().addOrderByField(fieldNum(EcoResProductVariantFlavorDisplayOrderView, Name)); | |
} | |
} | |
加range/link 到 新加的datasource [View] (extension) 內: | |
/// <summary> /// |
final class DimensionValueDetails_extension
class ABCView
public void lookup()
Name | Used how | Example |
dayRange | (dayRange(-1,2)) gives a query result of all records from yesterday until the day after tomorrow.
Note that it is unfortunately not possible to use decimals, only full days work. |
SQL : 可以用 curExt() :
where dataareaId = curExt() ;
smmParametersTable smmParameters;
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
/// <summary>
// 輸入 : (1) 需要分拆的字元 , (2) 分折字元符號 , (3) 分折後退回指定字元
public static str strSplit(str _splitString,str _splitchar,int _pos)